Dream of Living Abroad in Panama

Panama-Expat_3debookHave you ever dreamed of going to an exotic location, start a new life, have a new adventure? It’s really scary. We tend to be comfortable in what we know. How many of us actually take that kind of plunge into the unknown? We’ve been talking about this subject for years. Watching International House Hunters shows, dreaming of that kind of life, beaches, laid back living, discovering a new culture. But family obligations, work, friendships, they all keep us grounded to what we know, what is safe. Being part of the “sandwich generation”, my husband and I were taking care of elderly parents. Children and grandchildren, jobs that we needed to continue growing our nest egg, and health insurance, a biggie for us. We have finally pulled the plug…we are finally ready to go for it, and I believe we have found it in Panama.

After a cruise stop at the port of Colon in Panama about 5 years ago, we took an excursion through the Panama Canal. Our tour guide on this excursion told us about all the benefits available to expats. The people were friendly, they used US dollars, the country is stable, there is so much beauty. Something about that trip stayed with me…there was always something pulling me to go back again and tour the country.

Last year, we had our opportunity to go back again when we took a Panama Relocation Tour, hosted by Jackie Lange. I highly recommend it if you want to learn all the ins and outs, the good and the bad. We met with other expats, talked to an attorney, visited areas between Panama City and Boquete in the mountains, beaches and cities. The beauty surrounding us was breathtaking.

We have received our temporary residency visas. We felt the best option for us was the Friendly Nations Visa. There are numerous visa options, but we felt this was the best fit for us. More on this subject at a later date


2 thoughts on “Dream of Living Abroad in Panama”

  1. Hi Craig and Nancy!!
    We’re so happy for you guys. We are counting down the time until Karla retires so we can follow in your footsteps. Our friends here in El Paso are excited about having a place to come visit when we make the transition to Panama but they are not wanting us to move permanently. So, we definitely understand the friends/family piece that you spoke about in this post. And we agree that the PRT is an awesome information filled experience well worth the price. Please keep the information flowing so that it will keep our desire for Panama alive. Enjoy your slice of paradise!

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